Long time fan Seth Swirsky interviews dozens of people with stories to tell about their personal interactions with Beatles. Many of these are 'famous,' but the interviews with people you have never heard of are just as informative and valid. This documentary adds something unique to the volumes of information on the world's most well known band, because most of us are not famous, yet we can relate so well to these reminiscences. As producer, Seth has opted to split the interviews between the main film, and the bonus features. Don't miss the bonus features, which house some of the best interviews, plus an extended interview with Norman Smith, the Beatle's first recording engineer. The discussions with musicians remind us how much the Beatles are revered by their peers. For me, stories by non-musicians such as Lucy Baines Johnson are particularly welcome, reminding us how the Beatles penetrated every nook and cranny of society. If you ask people in streets around the world what are the names of the four Beatles, they will be able to tell you. Few other bands can claim as much, and we can speculate on what made the difference. Although astute marketing, great tunes and lyrics, and popularity on radio are all factors, the remarkable personalities and charm of the Fab Four may be key. This disk illustrates this in the affectionate way people talk about them, and the stories told. They were the kind of people you would like to know and to invite to your home. Their huge musical talent did not take away their humanity and lovability. Because every word in the songs is clearly annunciated, thousands know the words and therefore what the songs are about, and can relate to them. It is as if they all are members of our families, and we just like being with them. Seth includes a touching scene at the end where his own children dance on their bed to 'Please please me,' just as he once did. How timeless is that! For further information please contact: Jacob Morrison-Wood, Press & PR, Wienerworld, Unit 7 Freetrade House, Lowther Road, Stanmore HA7 1EP UK. Tel: 020 8206 1177. E-mail: claire(at)wieneworld.com |