The following article appeared on the bottom-front page
of The Montreal Gazette. The write-up was published on Tuesday, June 3,
1969 Beatle Bed-in Leaves City for Ottawa The Great Beatle bed-in ends today. Shortly after noon John Lennon says goodbye to the bed
which has been his base of operations for the past seven days and heads for
Ottawa. There he will attend a peace conference at the University
of Ottawa and perhaps make another bid to present Prime Minister Trudeau with a
bag of "peace acorns" to plant. The departure of Lennon, wife Yoko and stepdaughter Kyoko
will end a hectic week of Beatle business which -- whatever its implications for
world peace -- helped enliven Montreal's late-spring doldrums. The bed-in brought a colourful mélange of celebrities,
fans, crackpots and real and spurious journalists trooping into the Queen
Elizabeth Hotel to pay their respects in Beatleland on the 17th floor. Copyright by The Montreal Gazette, June 3, 1969, all
rights reserved.