The following article was written by The Montreal Gazette and was published on May 30, 1969, located on page 35 of their newspaper edition.  The publisher provided more finer details regarding who the Lennon's had contacted at the American Consulate in Montreal when they decided to apply for a U.S. visa.  For this reason, we are adding the Montreal Gazette report along with all the other excellent Beatle articles listed on our site...


John and Yoko take second try for U.S. visas

Beatle John Lennon, who claims Canada is as close as he can get to the U.S. because Washington won't let him in, has again applied for a U.S. visa.

Lennon and his wife Yoko, who are conducting a weeklong "lie-in for peace" made their applications for visas to visit the U.S. at the American Consulate yesterday.

Lennon, who was once convicted for possessing narcotics, originally applied for a visa at the U.S. Consulate in London, but later withdrew his application.

The conviction would ordinarily bar his admission into the U.S.

Vernon McAninch, consul in charge of the visa section, said the applications "have been received and are being considered."

He said Lennon's conviction is a ground for ineligibility, but this could be waved by Washington. He said it was possible for a person to get a waiver if he just wanted to visit the country.

Lennon wants to spread his peace message in the U.S.

Copyright by The Montreal Gazette, May 30, 1969. All rights reserved.

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