- Badfinger - by Alan Chrisman, 2014
- Bealtes get back to mono vinyl - by Alan Chrisman, 2014
- Liverpool of the North - by Alan Chrisman, 2014
- The White Album, revisited - by Alan Chrisman, 2014
- 14 songs the Fab Four never recorded - review by Tony Copple, Dec 2013
- How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin by Leslie Woodhead. Book review by Alan Chrisman, 2 Aug 2013
- Paul McCartney in Ottawa 7 July 2013, reviewed by Tony Copple
- Beatles Stories, DVD, reviewed by Tony Copple, Jan 1, 2013
- The Beatles - Love, by Cirque de Soleil, in Las Vegas, reviewed by Tony Copple.
- Band on the
Run Remastered Special Edition release by John Whelan, December 10, 2010
The Beatles Remastered reviewed by Tony
Copple 7 September 2010
- John Lennon, Rare and Unseen, DVD reviewed by Tony
Copple February 2010
- Give Peace a Chance by Joan Athey, reviewed
by Tony Copple Dec 1, 2009
- Standing Stone Lawrence Foster / IPO,
reviewed by Tony Copple Oct 22, 2009
- How the Beatles Rocked the Kremlin reviewed by
Tony Copple Sep 7, 2009
- The Beatles, Rare and Unseen, DVD reviewed by
Tony Copple August 2009
John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band Live in Toronto '69 (DVD) - reviewed by
John Whelan, July 11, 2009
- Let it Roll: Songs
by George Harrison - reviewed by John Whelan, June 27, 2009
- Magical
Mystery Tour Memories - by John Whelan, Sept 28,2008
- Ottawa band The Pharaohs played Beatles songs
first in North America, by Mike Gormley, Sept 2008
- Punk Opera Che
Lennon - The Oz from Russia - reviewed by John Whelan,
July 20, 2008 -
The Tomorrow Show with John, Paul, Tom and Ringo - review by John
Whelan, July 19, 2008
- Here, There and
Everywhere, by Geoff Emerick - review by Tony Copple, Feb 08
- Rocky Raccoon decoded by Lonnie R Dawson,
February 2008
- Help! screened at Cineplexes across Canada November
26, 07, by Tony Copple
- Stockwood, the world's youngest Beatles tribute
band, at Waucondafest, Il, USA June 24, 2007 - by Mark Drobnik
RAIN presents a Beatle show that shines - by Maureen Shames, January 17,
- Love - Review by Tony Copple, Nov 25, 06
Ringo Starr at the Rosemont Theatre, 2006 - by Mark Drobnick
60's Retro: Peter Noone; Buckinghams and Grass Roots at the Genesee
Theatre - by Mark Drobnick
1964 The Tribute + Stockwood at the Genesee Theatre - by Mark and
Loida Drobnick
Fab 42 Spectacular is Fabulous - by Maureen Shames
The Hendersons will dance
and sing - by Alan Millen
Roll Up, Roll Up
for the Magical Mystery Tour - by Roy Morrison
Ringo Starr on Good Morning America - by Richard Forman
The Beatles Started A Cultural Revolution - by John W. Whitehead
Magical Mystery
Tours by Tony Bramwell - a book review by John Whelan
Ringo Starr and the Roundheads with guest Colin Hay, at Genesee Theatre,
Waukegan, Illinois, June 24th, 2005 - by Mark Drobnick
Sound Orchestra meets the Beatles - an interview with Martial
Martinay by John Whelan
Catching Up With Mark
Lewisohn - by Brad Howard, via TWBF, April 3, 2005
Rain in Ottawa - Feb 21,
05: review by Tony Copple
It Was 40
Years Ago Today - by Jane Conroy
M.L. Liebler visits Ottawa,
May 2004 - JW & TC
Let It
Be...Naked - a review by John Whelan
The Concert for George - DVD
- an appreciation by Tony Copple
An Inside Story - the
P.I.D. rumor - by Alan Chrisman
The Beatles - A Long and Winding Road
2003 DVD. Review by Tony Copple
Tony's current rave release This is where I get to recommend
music that I have heard recently that the Beatles might have liked
for its enegry, creativity, and tunefulness. We have been in South Africa since November 2017, and naturally I listen to the radio. In mid 2018 I heard a song with a great synth'd guitar riff, but wasn't able to identify it till year end when it was featured on a countdown of 2018 favourites, at which point
I now knew the band's name: Goodluck. The song was 'Be yourself,' which I downloaded, and listened to more of their music on YouTube. When I needed music for a film (Bainskloof) in March of 2019 I listened to all their stuff on Spotify, discovering they had 3 albums: Creatures of the Night (2013), Beast (2014) and The Nature Within (2016).
This is electronic dance music with non-repetitive tunes - and of course it's the tunes which I feel are so infectious. 'Creatures of the Night' was recorded using solar power in the Namibian desert, with many fascinating percussive and other sounds they recorded there. 'The Nature Within' is the best album so far, with all good songs - no filler. John, Paul, George and Ringo would have wanted to sign them to Apple in another age.
About the Ottawa Beatles E-Publisher
Did you ever feel the
urge to write an article about your favourite band? Or to write about one
of the albums? Or to wax lyrical with an appreciation of what the Beatles
mean to you?
Now's your chance to
get your article published. Free!
We'll publish it for
you electronically and add it to this menu. The more articles the better.
As long as we feel it would be enjoyable for others to read, and meets
reasonable standards of composition and grammar, and it's about the
Beatles or their associates, you've found a place. Tell your friends and
family where they can find it. We'll print in any language.
Now, get writing! Send
it to us by e-mail including the word
Beatles in the subject line.
longer a Paperback Writer - be a Cyberspace Writer!
E-Publisher: Tony
Copple, (613) 591-3903 Inaugurated 31 March 1996

Music on this site
courtesy of
Bryan Anthony
- You Say You Want A
Velvet Revolution?
John Lennon and the Fall of the Soviet Union -
a Harvard University "Grad Paper" written by Dave LaFontana, July 10,
- Beatles Bop - Hamburg Days
(Bear Family) - by Eric Krasker, 2002
- The Star-Club Tapes -
The Set That Never
Existed - by Eric Krasker
- The Best of Fellas -- The Story
of Bob Wooler - book review by John Whelan
- A Hard Day's Night DVD
- Oct 02 - by Tony Copple
- Tribute to George Harrison - by
Barry McCollum
- Uncut Magazine: The Complete
Story, Apr 02 - review by John Whelan
- Ringo at Casino Rama,
Ontario, July 26 2001 - review by John Whelan
- All Things Must Pass -
re-released Feb 2001. Ottawa Citizen Review by Mike Blanchfield.
- Strings for a Beatle Bass
- Review, by Diana, of Hari Scruffs
- Thank you, Beatles - by
Joachim Gerke
- The Beatles Revolution
- ABC TV, 17 Nov 2000 - review by Tony Copple
Liverpool Sound Collage -
review by John Whelan
- Century's Tops in Pops -
by Chris Cobb, Ottawa Citizen, Dec 1999
- The Beatles, and Ringo in
Particular - by Mariangela
- The Golden Disc - by Yury
Pelyushonok (excerpt)
- Run Devil Run - by Mike
Blanchfield, Ottawa Citizen
- The Official Jukebox 45s
- by John Whelan, 1999
- Anthology 2 - by Norm
Provencher, Ottawa Citizen
- Anthology 3 preview -
by Joe Caldwell
- Anthology 3 - by Tony
Copple, Nov 1996
- Beatles Appreciation -
by Tony Copple, 1996
- Beatles at school - by
John Snelson
- Jackie Lomax today - by
Bill Locey, from Yarden Uriel, via RMB
- The day I met George -
by S. Logans
- Some time in New York City
- by Richard Flint
- The Toronto Beatles Bash '98
- by Brad Howard, reproduced with permission from the World Beatles
- Ringo's Storytellers -
review by John Whelan
- John Lennon Anthology -
Brad Howard, via TWBF
- The Fan Club's Xmas Messages
- by John Whelan, May 1999
- Increase your enjoyment of
- spring 1971 - by Tony Copple